
The idea

The app Shevilion is made for architects and everyone else, who is interested in structural design. The main goal of this application is to work as a tool, that supports designers in early design process stages. Shevillion is made for first simple studies before stepping further in the structural design of geometries. The reason for an architect to use the tool is that he has an idea of a shape in mind but doesn't know how to structurally define his geometry. Shevilion will help the user to evaluate different structural approaches for his design.

In a first step the designer modifies a Nurbssurface with control points and shapes the base geometry to let it become suitable for his architectural problem. After finding the desired starting base, the user can start playing around with different buttons in the GUI Folder of the app, that provide different solutions for creating a structure. The fractal generation part of the app allows to discover more treelike structures and organic patterns. These structures are reshaped when the user defines the branch lenght of the fractal. The branch lenght parameter is linked to the maximum iterations of a recursive function for creating the fractal. A further approach supports the creation of a gridstructure, where the stepsize of two walkers can be changed to create a wider or denser grid on the surface. In a final step the user removes the starting Nurbssurface from the scene and has a clear view on the structure. By doubleclicking in the empty space, he can turn the transform control object off. In case he decides to start a new design approach, the user can press a reset button, clear the geometry from the scene and modify the surface again.

Guidline to use the app

Design Iterations

Structure generation

Design Iterations

Design Iterations

Design Iterations

AAD WS 2022/ 2023, ICD, Johanna Abheiden, Marius Holzinger, Paul Streit